The coming economic collapse in America is hands down the largest collapse in the history of the world, and those savvy to gold and silver investing will stand to profit handsomely.
With all of the inflation going on in the world, and countries like Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain going broke, it's a huge disaster in the making.
There is a ton of information out there about how well the stock market is doing, and how this gravy train will never end. What I am about to tell you is the reality of what we are facing.
There is no economic recovery and the stock market is going to fall dramatically due to the excessive amount of liquidity being pumped into the banks.
The coming economic collapse in America is no game. Inflation is here, and our government has already taken our once strong dollar past the point of no return. There will be a huge collapse of the U.S. dollar.
Countries around the world know that the dollar is weakening, and that's why China has started diversifying their holdings into gold.
This collapse of our once great currency will be a swift one, possibly occurring overnight as a devaluation put forth by our government.
If you have all of your money stored in cash, you are not only losing money everyday, but you are risking losing your entire nest egg. This is not something new that I am talking about.
This has happened to countries throughout history due to government mismanagement of the money supply. The fall of Rome was actually attributed to the government inflating the circulated coins by mixing them with lead.
The coming economic collapse in America is real. This can certainly happen again, but what amazes me is that most people will sit back and let their hard earned wealth be stolen from them through the hidden tax called inflation.
Most won't even know what hit them until the jobless rate is 40% and they are out on the streets. To quote economist Dr. Marc Faber "In 5 years time, the dollar will be like wallpaper".
These great economists are predicting some very dark stuff in our near future, but each one of them preach the same message. Inform yourself about GOLD AND SILVER INVESTING!
Why? Because gold and silver are hedges against inflation, and because there will be a massive amount of money made by those holding precious metals.
It's hugely important that you prepare now for a dollar collapse, and save yourself financially while you still can. You can now grab your free instant download copy of "Why You Should Buy Gold Now" - created especially for the gold investment newcomer - by clicking here.