The Bestselling Personal Finance Book of All Time
Read the book that started it all, Rich Dad Poor Dad, the New York Times #1 Bestseller that changed how the world views money and investing.
When Robert Kiyosaki, successful investor, author, and businessman, first published Rich Dad Poor Dad, he stated, "Your house is not an asset." The so-called financial experts lambasted him. But today, Robert’s words ring truer than ever.
Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches you to think like the rich, and explains how money works – giving you the secrets about money that rich teach their children and that the middle-class do not.
In Rich Dad Poor Dad you learn:
• The importance of your personal financial statement and how to read one
• The difference between an asset and a liability
• The difference between how the middle-class thinks about money and how the rich think about money
• How to invest for cash flow instead of capital gains
• And much more!
In reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, you’ll better understand the power that your thinking can have on your life. If you are looking for financial freedom, then Rich Dad Poor Dad is a great place to start your learning process.
Start your financial education today with Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad, the best-selling personal finance book of all time!
Price: $16.95
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